Currently in private beta.


Stage 2

Seamless integration with MIS

We partnered with a third-party service to automatically import your team's timetable, classes, and students - with a single click!

Import classes from your VLE

Link Google Classroom or MS Teams to automatically import your classes and students.

Multiple teachers per class

Reduce friction, avoid duplicates and work together with your colleagues you shared classes with.


Save time with templates

Pre-made templates allow you to attach files, add common apparatus, equipments, and more with a single click.

Import templates in bulk

From a CSV or Excel files using our sample file.

Stage 2

Import a PDF or a website link

Our Smart AI can automatically import practical sheets from a PDF or a website link - parsing and extracting correct items.

Share templates with your team

Not only saving time, but also ensuring consistency while reducing errors when submitting requisitions.

Organise templates with collections

Like folders, collections allow you to group templates together, making it easier to find the right one.

Stage 3

Sharing is caring

Our public template library allows you to share your templates with the world, and import templates from other teachers too!


Multiple planner views

Week view, day view, month view or agenda view - we got you covered for better organisation.

Multiple requisition configurations

Setting deadlines, provisional requests, risk assessments and more - to custom fit your team's needs.

Email notifications

Configure which types of notifications you want to receive and when - to keep you up to date.

Stage 2

Browser notifications

Receive push notifications directly in your browser when page is active.

Stage 3

Digital signage support

Using our app in Yodeck - with any monitor and a Raspberry Pi, you can display upcoming requisitions.

Stage 3

Tagging trays

Built-in USB or wireless thermal printer support allows you to print tags for requisitions, and attach them to trays.


Practical endorsement tracking

One-stop tracking for CPAC and pracitcal techniques for various exam boards.

Stage 2

Peer checklist

Students can check off their peers' practical techniques - accessible via a private link.

Stage 2

Report submission

Students can either upload their reports (images or PDF) via a private link, or you can import directly from a Google Classroom or MS Teams assignment.

Stage 2

Grading suite

Annotate and comment on students' reports, and grade them with a single click.

Stage 2

Moderating is a breeze

Whether internal or external moderation, we can present your data in a way that is easy to understand.

Stage 2

Share examples of good practice

Keeping digital copies of students' reports allows you to share examples of good practice with your students.


Stage 4

Keep track of everything

Equipment, chemicals and any materials in various labs - we can keep track of them on one platform.

Stage 4

Tag them all

Include pictures of equipments, print QR code stickers and more.

Stage 4

Ordering made easy

We warn you when you are running low on stock, and you can re-order them from multiple suppliers.


Stage 2

Multiple integrations

Connect with Google Calendar, Outlook Calendar, Google Classroom, Google Drive and more.

Fast and secure

Modern user interface using modern web technologies to offer speedy and secure experience.

Stage 3

Chat with your technicians

Working multi-site? Or just want to ask a quick question with your technicians? Chat with them directly.